Fantastic learning year 2018. Important SEO development tactics year works for us.
1) IT's all about google world.
Dictatorship or dominate the search engine world still a part of 2018. We are living in google world today. Massive update about machine learning to fulfill the aim to serve the best possible results to its users. Paid listing has moved upward so content posted to gain ROI via Google organic nothing in return or less. Assumptions about CTR of organic listing reduce year by year. Organic CTR on high alarm rate.
2) Always Secret Algorithm Update
Awesome unparalleled year to predict about algorithm update. It is started from rising birth of search engine early stage continuous update algorithm to serve better results and right answer. We have seen a massive update about google panda, penguin. SEO pros evaluate every time to get understand impact, but google update another update rolling so it's become only assumptions.
3) No Massive Upgrade about Mobile first index
Its journey started in 2016 to get mobile-friendly update gets rolled out. It is for a massive update for the poor mobile-friendly device. We have seen limited impact on another website. Mobile fixed indexing gets out after a year update with a lesser impact. We are the thrill to see lot more fluctuations.
4) SEO Professional Don't Like Changing World.
Moving faster year by year SEO professional as human being nature, not ready to adopt changes. Working styles for audit and reporting changing day to day SEO world. To survive in SEO field SEO pros needs to adopt new techniques & style of reporting. Typical sort for old documented audit report gets missed from today's world.
5) Emerge of New Search Engines
New entrant search engine market is duck going and Yandex grows in millions of the search every year. It is the still a small part of search engine big world share in comparison of google. Speedy growth of new search engine based their motive and right results. Lots of privacy blunders against the popular search engine. We hope they have become true challengers in the future.
6) User Search Intent Importance
Too many updates this year to achieve google motto right results for each search term. Continues analysis of user data for the happiness about right results. Back days search intent importance is very less but now it is really important for Google. It is also a major impact point of conversion. When doing keyword research and writing content material, pay close concentration to fulfill your favored visitor’s intent.
7) Google Perfectionist Long Way to Go
Major Points to cover what content it is and search intent of the user. Google smart engines think as best possible manner google will satisfy the user search intent and produce best results. As per our understanding, Google is far behind to become perfect for search results.
Next 2019 foreseeable future As a leading industry google continue with higher face with dominating the lives of us SEOs. Get ready for newer updates as the fast pace in future. However, SEOs have to watch the place the ball goes.
They must be binding and to adapt quicker than ever earlier than.