Analysis of auto-mobile industry and it's SEO score. Points to be considered within analysis like, Meta Data details and heading tags, Speed of website, content, back link, code to text ratio, Image optimization, keyword usage, in line causes & scripts. The analysis done on three major leading websites like Car Wale, Car Dekho, Car Trade.
Above mentioned image shows SEO visibility score of three websites.
Here the best SEO score or the winner is a Car Wale Website. Car Trade & Dekho website having a low SEO score. Failed to object and Passed rules comparison done within the website. Alexa Rank is much better on the Car Wale website. It is 2171. Means it is ranking of Top 2200 website in auto-mobile industry. Second best ranking is Car Dekho it is at 2466 position.
Website structure and user navigation again Car Dekho and Car Wale utilized proper space and easy navigation for users. As a user I checked few pages and listing. It is easier to come again on the homepage and any other section website. Difference like menu header few parts is fixed in Car Dekho and Car Trade. Car Wale uses normal menu header for a website, but the webpage content comes in above fold means when user open Car Wale content is available to read in one scroll. Another two website display listing first and after two or three mouse scroll few parts website content is available. Visibility of webpage content generates leads to the website. Content with call to action word increase your conversion on the website.
Here is a list of three website mainly focus on new and used cars. Features and functionality of every website are same like check price, compare, upcoming cars, On budget search, Industry news, etc. What extra factor makes Car Dekho & Trade and Car Wale differentiate from others. Like Car Dekho has an Offer section on top of the header. Car Trade has a user and industry expert reviews on top. Car Wale has a Forum and Insurance section in menu tab. Most important online support with Toll Free has displayed in the right section of the web site in Car Wale. Website user needs quick customer support, free of cost.
Common things between all three websites is meta data details and most essential detail is fulfilled within the website. Meta Title has written for all webpages even if it is a car listing or user reviews. Basic SEO implemented for all webpages. A common mistake between them is Heading 1 is missing as SEO perspective like user heading 1 is available. Most of images missing ALT attributes. Only Bings are only spider understand better flash content. Most of videos are in Flash or GIF Images.
Finally It is the end of SEO conclusion with all website speed of loading.
Page Speed Grade: is B, and load time is 6.30s of Car Dekho. A web site needs to be loaded in 5 Seconds. Page Speed Grade is same of the other two websites. Page speed is better of Car Trade it is 5.35s. Optimizing images & defer the parsing of JavaScript & Leverage browser caching common issue for page load time. AXAT Technologies offer deep SEO analysis and heat-map for website for better SEO performance.