Let us understand, what is a 'Share'? Many marketers, thinks it is just a click and sharing will be done. But inside the reader's brain, there are series of fast decision taking place inside which leads to them sharing a piece of content.
The initial step is to get people share our content is to analyze human behavior. What drives individuals to do things? What drives individuals to share content? The most a fundamental component to remember is when individuals share content, they are getting some kind of reward for it.
Whether or not something is shareable will ultimately affect the success or failure of a piece of content online. Hence, of course, everyone from marketers to business owners to publishers needs to understand specifically what makes their audience share content so that they can involve into that when creating and planning for the piece of content.
While there is still a lot of work to be done in this area, some recent analysis has started to shed light on specifically what goes on in our brains as we share content and how content creators can make this advantageous for them. The content creator will always have in mind about what kind of content is required for sharing and which is the best area for the content creation for the sharing purpose.
The analyst found that there is a region of the brain which is involved in this kind of decision making. When members were seeing and hearing about the concept they would later suggest, they indicate essentially more activity in a region called as the Temporoparietal Junction or TPJ.
The study also demonstrated that the strongest determinant in what makes something shareable is whether the content sharer thinks others people will appreciate that content or not.
The study recommends that people are often attuned to how the things they are seeing will be valuable and interesting, to themselves as well as to other people. At the first encounter with information, individuals are now utilizing the brain network involved in considering how this will be interesting to other individuals. We’re wired to need to share information with other individuals. I think that's a profound statement regarding the social nature of our minds.